Demand for Adequate Representation of Kshatriya Community in BJP Leadership

( 7889 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 05 Jan, 24 09:01

Demand for Adequate Representation of Kshatriya Community in BJP Leadership

In a letter addressed to BJP National President JP Nadda, Maharaj Randhir Singh Bhindar, the Pradesh Adhyaksha (State President) of Akhil Bharatiya Kshatriya Mahasabha, raised concerns over the inadequate representation of the Kshatriya community in the BJP leadership across various states.
Maharaj Randhir Singh Bhindar emphasized that approximately 90% of Rajputs in India are associated with the BJP, and despite the community's significant contribution, the party has been neglecting them. He pointed out that even though Rajput candidates contest elections from opposition parties, the community consistently supports the BJP during elections.
Expressing disappointment, Bhindar highlighted that the BJP has not provided proper representation to the Kshatriya community in the organizational structure or ministerial cabinet. He pointed to the statistics of BJP-led state governments where the number of Kshatriya representatives is disproportionately low compared to the tickets allocated during elections.
Bhindar cited examples of Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan governments, where the number of ministers from the Rajput community is inadequate. He specifically mentioned the recent controversy in Rajasthan, where an individual from the community was appointed as Deputy Chief Minister, a position that holds no constitutional powers.
The letter concluded with a plea to JP Nadda to seriously consider the demand for appropriate representation of the Kshatriya community in BJP leadership roles. Bhindar warned that failure to address this concern might lead to a reevaluation of the community's support for the BJP in the future.

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