Pacific University receives Education Excellence Award 2021

( 18636 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 29 Sep, 21 11:09

Pacific University receives Education Excellence Award 2021

Udaipur: EducationExcellence2021Award wasgiventoPacificUniversitybyZeeHindustan and Zee Group for their contribution in the field of education. Pacific University is the only university in Rajasthan to receive this award, the universityhas servedsociety inthefieldofeducation for the last 24 years, for which it has been awarded in its name by meeting many criteria. Rahul Agarwal, Chairman of the Pacific Institute, whose dream is that this university should provide quality, affordable and accessible education to the general public on the map of India. The university is moving towards it and this award reflects their tireless efforts. On behalf of the University, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Krishnakanta Dave received this prestigious award. The award was given at Hotel TajPalaceNewDelhi.Prof.KrishnakantaDave was also invited for the panel discussion. In which the Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University, PuranChandJoshi.ShamsherSingh,Managing Editor of Hindustan and Manoj Jigyasu, and ViceChancellorsofIndia's leadingeducational institutions were present. The program was telecast live nationally. How India became the tourism hub of the field ofeducationandwhichcourses shouldbestarted so that students from abroad can come to India and get an education, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Krishnakanta Dave also gave a lecture on this. The registrar of Pacific University Sharad Kothari and the Dean and Directors of the University appreciated this achievement and all the employees of the University determined to do more work in this field with full devotion. The personalities associated with the educationworldwerehonoredintheprogram.Saluted thecourageandspiritofthepersonalitiesassociated with the education sector. During the Corona period, there were a lot of problems in the field of education, in such asituationitisnecessarytounderstandallthese things thathowuniversities, colleges,andinstitutions are removing the obstacles faced by thestudents,howtheyaremakingthestudents aware to deal with the challenges, How are giving information to the students about higher education, how much contribution is made in making the admission process easier, how are you preparing the students for the competition.

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