Footnotes Actor Vikram Kochhar's Exclusive Interview

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Published on : 24 Feb, 21 01:02


Footnotes Actor Vikram Kochhar's Exclusive Interview



The seasoned Theatre and Bollywood actor, Vikram Kochhar has enamoured us with his performance over the years. Our Special Correspondent, S. K. De had a candid chat with Vikram during one of the screenings in Mumbai.

How was Footnotes born in terms of a short film to be made ?

Well, this was a script penned by Monjoy Joy Mukerji who has also directed it. He had probably started writing it around a year back. He narrated the script to me and as soon as I heard it, we decided that it deserves to be made and as they say the best things in life are not planned. Today, we have this beautiful short film Footnotes garnering appreciation worldwide and we are fortunate to have been nominated at various International Film Festivals in 2021.

How did Monjoy Joy Mukerji decide to cast you for playing the protagonist ?

 My association with Monjoy Joy Mukerji goes back to when he had cast me in Hai Apna Dil Toh Awara ( HADTA ) movie. So, when he wrote this script he probably felt that maybe I would be able to justice to the character in this short film.

So, Vikram the times have changed and the audience is moving from theatres to OTT platforms. What's your take on this ?

Yes, the online streaming platforms were going to be the main platforms for viewing movies, web series and short films. However, the Lockdown and present scenario catalysed the shift faster than expected !

The short film, Footnotes as well as you as an actor have won few awards at various International Film Festivals. So how does it feel ?

We are on cloud nine as our film has been nominated at various International Film festivals. It started in January 2021 with the Paris International Film Festival and it is an honour to be even nominated for these film festivals who have recognised our work !

What kind of love story is portrayed in this short film?

Well, you need to watch it to enjoy the experience !

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