Dual responsibility of Common man: Be Crime and Corona Warrior

( 12183 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 01 Jun, 20 11:06

Dr.Vartika Jain

Dual responsibility of Common man: Be Crime and Corona Warrior

In a few month's period, one ultramicroscopic organism has affected millions of human lives across the world including deaths in several thousand. Not only the social sphere but also spheres of ecology, economy, and ergonomics have been drastically affected. The pandemic has impacted mental spheres leading more towards psycho-spiritual longings rather than materialistic greed. Indeed some changes are very positive and being welcomed everywhere whole-heartedly.

Five months of this calendar year 2020 has ended and so the hope for ending of corona era has begun. The crucial time has passed with hard work, patience, foresightedness of corona warriors working on several fronts. People are now learning to live along with this invisible terrorist surrounding them. And the life has to speed up in this new era after lockdown – The post lockdown era. Many implication studies of Covid-19 in various fields are being carried out and it is presumed that life is never going to be the same as it was before Corona. That speculation is going to be true in various realms but here the emphasis is on crimes in the Post lockdown era.

Lockdown for more than two months in India has greatly impacted the economy and going to create many upheavals in upcoming months. Jobs of several people have been lost which is going to worsen the crime scenario of any city. If one may think deeper, it will be realized that one of the major causes behind any crime is economic disparity which can suspend all other emotions except feelings of hunger. In a long time, these feelings of a criminal convert into greed to enjoy life in materialistic pleasures. Gradually, it is considered a valid right of occupation which remains continued for generations. Even, the feelings of guilt never arise in such people. So, here comes the importance of money; irrational distribution of which has caused several problems in society.

During the lockdown period, we were talking about crimes in the cyber world, domestic violence, corona assault incidences, etc. But the world after lockdown is going to face increased cases of some other heinous crimes as well by both habitual criminals and others imposed by the situation. A few days ago, in the period of modified lockdown, robbery of Rupees Two lakhs at Savina mandi in Udaipur city for which robbers came on a stolen bike is an alarm to everyone around the country. Poverty and other capitalist schemes including high salary packages and increasing product costs may lead to many such crimes of loot, theft, burglary, etc.

Now, when lockdown has almost ended in many areas, the responsibility of remaining safe has come on the shoulders of the common man. He/she has to become a warrior by fighting against invisible terrorists roaming around them either in form of Corona or in form of other innocently seeming Common man. The use of masks for protection of Corona is also going to protect such mal-intentioned people. Traveling alone is also not going to be easy as before. Housewives should have to be alert and smart enough to avoid any such incidences while alone at home. Children should be given proper instructions to how to act in any such insecure situation. One has to be vigilant everywhere to remain safe from both Corona and such crimes. The best thing would be to organize a ‘Colony safety committee’ in every colony that can work in rotation every week to take appropriate safety measures for their colony. This will also build up assurance for senior citizens who are living alone in the colonies. Regular police reporting of suspicious persons visible in the colony and nearby areas should also be made. Moreover, some programs could be arranged on moral values, mental alertness, self-defense, etc. which may help all in becoming physically and mentally strong.

As we are preparing ourselves to remain healthy in the Corona era by increasing immunity from various means, it is another requirement of the coming era to get ready for such unwanted crimes and further overcome post-trauma of such happenings. I hope that this dual responsibility of becoming a Corona warrior and a Crime warrior together could be well accomplished by us as a common man. We should rely on our insight and try to be physically as well as mentally very fit to fight with those unseen situations. Patience, alertness, and mental tactics will greatly help us. Economic reformation after the lockdown period by adopting concepts of progressive co-operatives and local for local may help in ending disparity soon. But still, it is going to take time in becoming a completely economically independent city, state, or country. Till then, the role of everyone as a common man keeps the utmost importance to abate the crimes around us. Stay positive and stay safe.

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