
Hindustan Zinc Supports Zero Hunger

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10 Nov, 23 06:31
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Hindustan Zinc Supports Zero Hunger

Ve d a n ta De l h i Ha l f Marathon 2023 witnesses the participation of over 7,000 employees of Hindustan Zinc in collaboration with the Run forZeroHunger campaign.As part of this initiative, the aim is to provide food to more than 1.3 million children. Hindustan Zinc, one of the country's largest integrated producers of zinc, lead, silver, andothermetals,hasengaged its employees in the pre-run for the Run for Zero Hunger campaign, aiming to provide food to more than 1.3 million children.This unique initiative is aligned with Vedanta's and ChairmanAnilAgarwal's principlesandsymbolizestheunity ofcommunitiescomingtogether. On this occasion, Arun Mishra, CEO of Hindustan Zinc, stated that "The Zinc family has contributed to the RunforZeroHungercampaign before the Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon,providingfoodto13 lakh people. Children are the future of our nation, and coming forward and contributing to secure their future is imperative. This unique campaign is in line with Vedanta's principles and reflects the spirit of communities coming together." During the Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon, the on-ground race features every kilometer sponsoredbyparticipants,and theflagshipCSRproject,Nand Ghar, will provide nutritious meals for children. Nand Ghar is Vedanta's flagship Anganwadi project thataimstoeliminatechildmalnutrition, provide education, healthcare services, and empower women with skill development. For the support of the Nand Ghar initiative, 3,145 HappyAnganwadishavebeen transformed into education centers. This CSR initiative has impacted the lives of 70 million children and 20 million women across the country. In the Run forZero Hunger campaign, employees of HindustanZincwerejoinedby students of Shiksha Sambal, Zinc's skilled trainees, Sakhi wo m e n , Zi n c Fo o tb a l l Academy players, as well as beneficiaries from the community, NGO partners, and CSR coordinators.

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: Zinc
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