
Udaipur Story Festival Culminates with Spectacular Art Exhibition

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02 Feb, 24 11:23
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Udaipur Story Festival Culminates with Spectacular Art Exhibition

Udaipur: The grand finale of the 5th edition of the threedayInternationalUdaipurStory Festival,organizedannuallyby Udaipur Tells, unfolded on Sunday night at the Exotica Resort on Shilpgram Road. The festival, a mesmerizing showcase of stories that captivate the soul, left art enthusiasts and literary aficionados enchanted. Sushmita Singha, cofounder of Udaipur Tells, sharedthatthefestivalbrought together diverse traditions of storytelling and artistry from nationalandinternational storytellers, artists, and musicians.Theeventfeaturedpresentationsby storytellers from around the world, presenting their craft on a single stage. The festival successfully blended Indian and international storytellers on a common platform, captivating the audiencewithenchantingnarratives. As part of the festivities,acoffeetablebookbased on stories from various storytellers was also unveiled. The Tale of the Yellow Scooter Leaves theAudience Chuckling: During the closing ceremony, storytel ler Rajat Meghnani presented the humorous narrative, 'The Yellow Scooter,' leaving the audienceinsplits.Theengaging dialogues and the storyteller'scaptivatingperformance drew laughterfrom the crowd, painting smiles on every face. Anjana Chandak and Nivrutti Kumari Conclude the Art Exhibition: The art exhibition curated by the Kasthi Foundation marked its conclusion with a presentation by theater artist and s tor y tel ler Anjana Chandak from Bangalore and NivruttiKumari,aformermember of the Udaipur royal family. Both artists provided insights into the displayed artworks,praisingtheuniqueness of the creations by various artists.TheKasthiFoundation's leaders,ShraddhaMurdiaand Nitya Singhal, introduced the artists and highlighted the distinctive features of the displayedsculptures,miniatures, modern paintings, metal artworks, and captivating nature photographs. The stalls witnessed purchases from both local literature enthusiasts and international tourists. Notable personalities like Purushottam Pallav, Dr. Sofia Nalwaya, renowned architect Sunil Ladda,sculptorsHemantJoshi andSunilBhatt,ghazal lyricist Kapil Paliwal, painters Rahul Mali, Dr. Chitrasen, Neelofar Munir, Chetan Oudichya, Kamlesh Dangi, among others,wereadmiredfortheirartistic contributions. The event concludedwiththeloweringof a painting, symbolizing the end of the exhibition. In the heart of Udaipur, storiesandart converged, creating a vibrant tapestry of creativity at the International Udaipur Story Festival 2024.

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: udaipur
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