
The Shri Chitragupt Sabha, Udaipur, celebrated its 29th establishment day

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10 Nov, 23 07:42
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The Shri Chitragupt Sabha, Udaipur, celebrated its 29th establishment day

Udaipur: Th e Sh ri Chitragupt Sabha, Udaipur, celebrated its 29th establishmentdayandafelicitationceremony with great enthusiasm a t th e Bh a gwa n Sh ri Chitragupt Temple in Hiran MagriSector4onOctober14, 2023. Duringthisevent,theyhonored 67 senior citizens who are75yearsorolder, students who achieved 75% or more in the field of education, students who earned the title of "Vidya Vachaspati," students recognized at the state and national levels, and athletes who excelled in sports competitions. Furthermore, the Sabha recognized individuals who made significant contributions to society's development by providing financial support.Inthepasttenmonths, more than 30 subcommittees have fulfilled their responsibilities by providing essential necessitiesand financial contributions to uplift the community. Special guest Mrs. Ch a n ch a l M a th u r a l so received recognition during the event. Dr. Girish Nath Mathur, PresidentoftheSabha, spoke about the establishment of the Bhagwan Shri Chitragupt Temple in this area 29 years ago and how they are planning to expand this area for thefuture.Hecalledoneveryone to contribute to this endeavor and expressed his gratitude to all the members and participants. The program began with a presentation by Vanshika Mathur, followed by various culturalevents includingyoga, dance, and musical performances.TheSabha'sGeneral Secretary, Dinesh Mathur, expressed his gratitude to the subcommittees fortheirongoing support and presented a detailed account of the funds allocated for societal needs. Othermemberspresentat the event included Vice President Veerendra Mathur, Treasurer Govind Mathur, Education Secretary Sunny Mathur, and Sports Secretary Arvind Mathur.During the ceremony,Dr.GirishNathMathur wa s h o n o r e d wi th th e "Society'sCrownJewelAward" forhisnotablecontributions to education and societal uplift through the presentation of a shawl,memento,andashawl. Dilip Mathur, the Social and Cultural Secretary, expressedthatsucheventswill continue in the future, providing opportunities forthe youth ofoursocietytoshowcasetheir talents.ekhaMathur,President oftheWomen'sWing,andthe Executive Committee contributedculturalpresentations, and Rajkumar Mathur hosted the event.

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: udaipur
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