
Paras Health: Saving a Life from Hydatid Disease

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26 Apr, 24 11:25
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Paras Health: Saving a Life from Hydatid Disease

A patient suffering from hydatid disease, a severe condition caused by parasitic cysts, found a new lease on life at Paras Health, Udaipur. Experiencing debilitating symptoms such as high fever, abdominal pain, and body ache, the patient sought treatment at Paras Health, where a team of healthcare specialists embarked on a complex journey to save their life. Dr.AbhishekVyas,aConsultantinLaparoscopic,General, and Bariatric Surgery at Paras Health, elaborated on the critical condition of the patient upon arrival.Aruptured cyst, coupled with the spread of infection throughout the body via the bloodstream, posed a grave threat. Immediate surgical intervention was imperative to prevent further complications. The surgery, lasting several hours, aimed to meticulously remove all traces of the parasitic infection. Post-operation, Dr.Abhishek Vyas conducted thorough investigations, identifying the culprit as Echinococcus granulosus, commonly known as a tapeworm. This parasite, transmitted through the feces of infected animals like sheep and dogs, poses a significant risk to individuals, especially those inagricultural settings.Expressingprofoundgratitude,thepatient creditedParasHealth,Udaipur, along with Dr. Abhishek Vyas and Dr. Abhay Jain, for their timely intervention and expertise. The successful treatment not only saved a life but also shed light on the dangers of hydatid disease and the importance of prompt medical attention.

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: Health
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