
A One-Day Workshop on Colposcopy Organized

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26 Apr, 24 11:23
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A One-Day Workshop on Colposcopy Organized

Udaipur: A one-day workshop on colposcopy, which is instrumental in the treatment of cervical cancer, was organized by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Pacific Medical College and Hospital. The inauguration of the workshop was done by PMC's Chairman, Rahul Agrawal, CEO Sharad Kothari, Vice-Chancellor of PMU Dr. M.M. Mangal,Advisor to Chairman Dr.A.P. Gupta, PMC's Medical Superintendent Brigadier Dr. R.K. Singh,Ahmedabad-based gynecologist and cancer surgeon Dr.Anjana Chauhan, gynecological oncologist Dr. Ronak Bhansali, and Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Senior Gynecologist Dr. Rajrani Sharma, who lit the ceremonial lamp. Secretary of the workshop, Dr. Rajrani Sharma, explained that cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer related to women in the world and the second in India. She emphasized the significant role of colposcopy in the early detection and diagnosis of cervical cancer due to its capability to detect abnormalities in the cervical epithelium. Duringtheworkshop,gynecologistand cancer surgeonDr.AnjanaChauhanfrom Ahmedabad discussed new dimensions ofcolposcopyandHPVtesting,whilegynecological oncologist Dr. Ronak Bhansali elaborated extensively on colposcopy, describing it as a type of cervical cancer screening used to identify abnormal cells in the cervix. Dr. Manoj Mahajan, Director of Oncology Services and Senior Oncologist, shared his WHOC study on HPV-based screening in rural areas of Rajasthan during the workshop. In a panel discussion on the role of colposcopy in the diagnosis of cervical cancer, various subject matter experts such as Dr.Anjana Varma, Senior Professor at GMC, Dr. Prakash Jain, President of UOGS, Director of Narayana IVF, and Secretary of UOGS Dr. Pradeep Bandwal participated. The panel discussion was moderated by PMC's Professor Dr. Smita Barya and GMC's Professor Dr. Nalini Sharma. Various gynecological specialists and PG students from different medical colleges participated in the workshop.

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