
Relief from paralysis caused by a threeyear-old spinal tumor

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04 Jun, 22 11:13
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Relief from paralysis caused by a threeyear-old spinal tumor

Udaipur: The woman, who had been sufferingfrombackpainforthreeyears,was found to lump her spine. She was operated on in the spine and neuro department of GBH General Hospital and was given relief from pain while saving him from paralysis. A45-year-oldwomanresidentofBanswara has been suffering from back pain for three years.Forthelast sixmonths,thewomanstarted having trouble walking. Deteriorating the situation, the woman's legs had stopped working entirely for the previous twenty days. Due to increasing numbness, even excretion could not be detected. In this situation, the woman's family members were brought here to Dr. Sumit Dave, Spine and Neuro Surgeon at GBH General Hospital, Bedwas. Here in the MRI, it was found that the woman was paralyzed due to a lump in her spine. It is medically called meningioma (dorsal spinal tumor) A meningioma is a tumor that arises from themeninges—themembranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. Although not technically a brain tumor, it is included in this category because it may compress or squeeze the adjacent brain, nerves, and vessels. . While performing this complex operation, the pressure of the spinal cord was removed by removing the tumor. After the procedure, thewoman's numbness disappeared, and she could walk as before. In this complex operation,Dr.SumitDavewas supportedbyDeepak, Omprakash, and Brajmohan.

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