
MPUAT : 20th Research Council Meeting

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26 Apr, 24 11:16
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MPUAT : 20th Research Council Meeting

Udaipur: The 20th meeting of the Research Council of MaharanaPratapUniversityof Agriculture and Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, was convened under the chairmans h i p o f Dr. Aj i t Ku m a r Karnataka,theVice-Chancellor of the University, at the Research Directorate on Monday, April 15, 2024. Addressingthescientistson this occasion, Dr. Ajit Kumar Karnataka, the Chancellor of MPUAT, stated that our university isattheforefrontofagricultural research. He highlightedtheuniversity'sachievements indevelopingadvanced newvarietiesofmaize,groundnut, and opium along with 37 patented technologies . Moreover, scientists have received 14 individual awards and 2 national awards fortheir projects, and collaborations havebeenestablishedwithvarious institutions. He emphasized the importance of aligning research activities with the needsof society,includingproducers, marketers, and consumers. Dr.Karnatakastressedthe needfortheuniversity tofocus on the development and valorizationofspecificagricultural products in its jurisdiction to enhance its reputation globally. Furthermore, he urged the disseminationofresearchfindings throughFarmerProducer Organizations (FPOs) and other groups to ensure their sustainable integration into society. Dr.S.K.Sharma,Assistant Director (Human Resources) at the Indian Council of AgriculturalResearch(ICAR), New Delhi, emphasized the importance of addressing climatechange,whichaffectsnot only other crops but also horticultural crops, fisheries, and poultry farming. He advocatedforattentiontotemperature management and increasing carbon levels in the soil. He emphasized the need for special attention to water management and the adoption of integrated farming systems, including horticultural crops and mushroom cultivation. Dr.PrabhatKumar,Director ofHorticulture,Governmentof India, New Delhi, highlighted the importance of addressing local vegetables' excellence centers and working on crop diversificationtoincreasefarmers' income.Hestressedmechanizationfromsowingtovalue addition and suggested producing hybrid seeds on every farm to boost university revenue. At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Arvind Verma, Director of Research, welcomedallparticipantsandpresented a report on the decisions taken at the previous meetingheldonApril15,2024. Re g i o n a l Dir e c to r s o f AgriculturalResearchCenters, Directors of Agricultural Science Centers, Senior Scientists,andofficialsfromthe Rajasthan government's DepartmentofAgriculturewere present at the meeting. The meeting concluded with the release of the status reports of Zone IVAand Zone IVBpublishedbytheResearch Directorate.

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: Education
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