
NIMS University Welcomes Economic Delegation

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02 Apr, 24 10:25
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NIMS University Welcomes Economic Delegation

NIMS University in Jaipur hosted a significant event welcoming a delegation from the Indian Economic Association. Led by former Vice-Chancellor Prof. Amerika Singh, discussions revolved around the upcoming 107th International Conference on "Developed India: Challenges and Opportunities." Highlighting the crucial role of youth and higher education, Prof. Singh emphasized India's vision of development. The conference aims to outline a roadmap for economic growth, focusing on sustainability and inclusivity. Prominent figures like Dr. Manmohan Singh and Prof. Amartya Sen have previously led the association, shaping India's economic discourse. The event stressed the integration of economic development with social welfare, underscoring the pivotal role of technology in India's global leadership aspirations.

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: Education
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