
How much effect    

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07 Apr, 23 09:50
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-Sulekha shrivastava

How much effect    

Friends, we have been hearing that company has an effect. A lot happens, but not 100% complete. If we use our discretion, then this effect can also be reduced to a great extent. Sometimes it can even be terminated. You must have heard in childhood that there were two friends. One was lame and the other was blind. The lame could not walk and the blind could not see. So the blind made the lame sit on his shoulder. He kept showing the way while sitting on the shoulder and the blind kept walking . In this way both of them reached their destination. It is not necessary that if Dhrutarashtra is blind, then Gandhari should also blindfold herself. It could be her sense of dedication, off course is worshipable. But in some special circumstances two partners can also complement each other.
Friends, this is a harsh truth that if a drop of water falls on a hot griddle, it gets vaporated, "if it falls on a lotus leaf, it starts shining like a pearl" but "if it comes in an oyster, it itself becomes a pearl". The drop of water is the same, only the difference is of company. Friends, good company is such an energy of hope that it can illuminate any dark corner of life. Then there is no need for you to fight with your destiny, with your circumstances. Good company creates that confidence within you, it provides guidance that your path itself becomes the destination. Good company is priceless and is obtained by luck only.
                    But friends, I would like to draw your attention to the other side of the coin as well. The path of life is not always easy. If nature can give thorns to a rose flower, then why can't we humans be given snakes in the name of company. Definitely can give and gives also, which we call bad luck. This is the situation in which your strong morale, patience and vigilance are tested. Your discretion and foresight are tested. When to surrender to the circumstances, when to face them, this decision is tested. In such a situation, by surrendering completely to God, we get that power, which also gives us the ability to flow against the current.
Let's go to Ramayana.There were two characters in Ramayana, one Vibhishana and the other was Kekayi. Vibhishan lived under the rule of Ravana, yet he did not get spoiled. And Kaikeyi used to live under Ram's rule, still she did not improve. That's why improvement or deterioration depends on a person's own thinking and nature, and also on the use of his conscience. Companionship has an effect but only up to a limit and it can be lessened or increased according to one's capacity.    


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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: Editorial
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