DM Chittorgarh spent time among disabled children in Udaan school

( 21223 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 13 Nov, 19 14:11

Hrutu Sodhi PRO

DM Chittorgarh  spent time among disabled children in Udaan school

Chittorgarh,  District Collector Chetan Deora spent some time with the disabled and deprived children at Udaan school during a tour of Rawatbhata municipal area on Wednesday morning,13 November.

  Mr. Deora observed the dance and other activities presented by the children very keenly.

  Here the National Anthem was presented in sign language by deaf& dumb children. These children sing the National Anthem in sign language every day. The district collectors were very impressed by this.

  There are currently 45 deaf& dumb, disabled and deprived children studying in Udaan school from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.  In these 6 hours, all children are taught basic education, routine work, and sign language too.  Some children are also receiving computer education.  Apart from this, the school is providing all kinds of medical facilities to these children and medical certificates are also issued to them.  The school also provides concession passes to these children on behalf of the railways so that these children do not have to bear high expenses while traveling.  All these children studying in Udaan school have learned many things to get an education and to be able to keep pace with life.  Many of these children were also unable to do their routine work, but today they have become able to do all their work comfortably.

  District Collector Chetan Deora was very happy to meet all these children and he expressed great happiness and gave his blessings to all these children.


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