Should Know Swami Vivekanand Seva Nyas

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Published on : 10 Aug, 19 04:08

Should Know Swami Vivekanand Seva Nyas

Swami Vivekanand Seva Nyas (SVSN), Udaipur is a voluntary organization with a difference. This welfare trust is inspired by the teachings ofSwamiVivekanand ‘Daridra Devo Bhava’ (to serve the poor is to serve God) with an objective to work for the marginalized section of society by helping them to improve their quality of life through economic empowerment and social development.SVSNwas registered on November 17, 2004. SVSN has also been affiliatedtoRamkrishnaBhavPracharParishad ofRajasthanwhichisabranchofRamakrishna Bhav Prachar Parishad of Belur Math Horah, West Bengal. The trust is working since 2002 for the betterment for the widows in Udaipur. MaharanaofMewarCharitableFoundation (MMCF), The City Palace, Udaipur, a public charitabletrust,issupportingthisprojectofSVSN since 2015. Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar of Udaipur, Chairman and Managing Trustee of MMCFis today focusing on the challenges that Udaipur will have to face in the future. "I am now concentrating my thoughts on developing a model which will protect the Living Heritage of Mewar and will also be a practical model of sustainable development." Shriji feels that in contemporary times, we shouldmoveaway fromasingular cultural identification and our endeavor should not identify the city with anyone particular monument, orany singleconceptandidea,howeverunique it may be. He says "We envision Udaipur as a destination that is the embodiment of a living heritage that is sustaining the essence of the past, yet continually updating itself with modern elements". The President of the Swami Vivekanand Seva Nyas, Mrs. Manjula Bordia says they feel immense happiness in serving the needy and underprivileged women of the society. In addition to it she says that the institution had started helping with a few women before and till today they have reached a number of approx 200 widows and their families. One of MMCF's biggest outgoing expenses isgivingthroughitsdirectdonations tocauses, supporttoscholarships,endowments,pension schemes, and medical aid, thus fulfilling directlymanyoftheobjectives listedabovesaid Dr. Mayank Gupta, Deputy Secretary, MMCF Development,TheCityPalace,Udaipur.Some oftheseoutlaysaremadeannuallywhiledonations are also given to an individual and as a one-time outlay. For over a decade Dr.ArunBordia and Mrs. ManjulaBordiawiththeirfriendsandwell-wishers are serving the widows of Udaipur by organizingMedicalandReliefCamponlastSunday ofeverymonth.Widowswithmedicalandfinancial issues come in hundreds and get a monthlypension,freemedicalexaminationandfinancial assistance in every way possible. TheSevaNyasprovidesoneofaveryessential service to thesewidows, the Medical examinations, free of cost like as blood sugar, blood pressure check-ups, eye checkups, cataract operations, being done by the senior Doctors everymonth.TheDoctorteamincludesDr.Arun Bordia, Dr. J.P. Simlot, Dr. I.L. Jain, and Dr. Maina. The institution also performs X-rays, ECG,Sonography,Urinetestsbyreferringthese widows toprivatelaboratorieswhilebarringthe entireexpense.Manywidowshavebeengiven free vision correction sessions and free spectacles. Theyhavealsobeengivenfreedentalhealth care support by arranging them denture fitting, tooth filling; tooth scaling etc. So far the institution has treated around 8000 patients since the time they started this journey of serving humanity. 165 widows attended the last medical camp held on 28th July 2019. With the help of MMCF in supporting the SVSN project of widow care today many of the souls have been benefited, a few stories are as below. Neha Kumawat, a 20 yr old says her father expired when she was just 2 months old but after the death of her father Neha’s mother got married again so her granny took the responsibility of her upbringing, As she was also a widow she uses to make herlivelihood by making wooden toys but with time and age as she couldn’t continue the same and that was the timewhenthey joinedthisSevaNyasandsince then the institution made available the expenses of her studies. Today she has completed her college with the help of this institution and she will always be thankful for it. Roshni Jha, saysherfatherexpiredin2002, leaving behind a family of 6 consisting of 4 sisters and 1 brother. She says her mother Renu Jha once planned for suicide due to the financialcrisisinthefamily.ShethenjoinedtheSwami Vivekanand Seva Nyas in 2003 and since the organization is looking after the entire family allowing her to accomplish her college studies. Presently Roshni is pursuing her final year of B.A. Kusum Sharma, a 35 yr old Widow says her husband expired due to viral fever. The trauma led her father in law suffered from cardiacissueswhichmadehertheonlybreadmaker of the family without any choice, with some kindreferences sheapproachedtheSevaNyas andtheorganizationgaveherasewingmachine and she is managing her family out of it, along with this the institution has also helped her children in giving Scholarships, Uniforms and School stationary. She is always thankful to the institution. Ever since the Maharana of Mewar CharitableFoundationhasgivenahelpinghand tosupportthisorganizationthewidowcareprojecthasinfluencedthelifeofmanyneedywomen and this widow care program sees no rich or poor but a needy, many below middle class andthemiddle-classwomenhavebeenassisted with the benefits of this institution.

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