Don't quit till you succeed

( 18887 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 17 Apr, 17 12:04

Don't quit till you succeed is the adage to be used carefully. Especially in today's context when life is short and full of options. You want to do many things in a short span of time and if you stay stuck with one thing for longer for you couldn't succeed hitherto, consider shifting to another idea or concept rather than staying stuck to one and ruin your entire life.
I know a couple who after 6 years of struggle could marry each other. Meanwhile many a times they fought badly, had family problems, and lastly I learnt that they wanted to marry just for the sake of knowing each other. The love had vanished. Now their life is not even okay. Sometimes success brings more sorrow than failure. A success can only be useful if it only opens gate of new way. If your success is a solid destination from where you cannot go any where further, it hurts and you begin to hate what you achieved because you reminisce all the pain you scored during the struggle. But other way round if you got a success from where you can explore new avenues, you feel good about the pain you took to achieve the success.
One of my friends bought a car after a struggle of over 5 years as he was salaried low. After all those hard times and savings when he got the car, he began to hate it for he had missed countless good moments just because he wanted this car. His expenses had increased and the tension of maintaining it made it all the more difficult for him to celebrate.
While another friend lived a hard life to buy a house. Now this person is happier as his rent is saved and every rupee he now spent on house added to the value. with the time the value of property will rise and this will only make him richer. Now when this person looks behind, he feels as good as a thirsty man gets cold water and recalls those scorching moments under hard sunlight.
After my school I struggled couple of years to get into an engineering college through Pre Engineering Test, finally my hard work paid off but then I realized that if I go with Engineering now, it will take another five years and I still will be a Bachelor in Technology. I quit my seat in engineering college and appeared for Bachelor of Computer Applications and got selected. After that I did Masters of Computer Application and now my colleagues who had appeared for BTech are just bachelors degree holder and I am Master degree holder.
We both have similar profile and same amount of paycheck we earn. The benefit I had was that I am master of computer application where he struggles since he only studied computers as a subject.
Take a daily life example. I love to stay ahead of traffic whether I ride my super Bike or Car. But I never take chances. The other day a girl challenged me for race. I knew it was a crowded road where traffic merges at several points. I humbly accepted that I can’t win and I quit. This quit saved me or may be her or someone else on the road.
It’s important to fight to the finish on many occasions but it equally is important to give up when you see that it makes no sense or the achievement after win would be dwarf in front of risks taken and efforts put in.
Be sensible. Being young and energetic not just means to take all challenges and win them all. Giving up, compromising, to forgive, to let go are not just words for cowards - They could be emotions and sensibility marks shown by the brave ones. Use your brain and see if the deal is worth falling in, else backtrack.
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