Down The Memory Lane

( 22548 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 19 Dec, 16 12:12

Childhood memories are the best to cherish. I remember each and everything related to my childhood. I was the youngest among four sisters. I got so much love and affection by everyone in my family that I never missed any male child. Whenever anyone asked about my brother, my reaction amazed that person.
What I really miss about my childhood now is the huge kitchen garden developed by my mother outside my huge house. Sitting under trees of guava, mango, banana and plucking seasonal vegetables and flowers were my favourite time pass. Summer evenings were the best. My mother used to make different flavours of 'Rasna' for me. Vacations spent with family and friends are unforgettable. Aroma of mom's specially cooked food and taste of mangoes are still alive in my mind.
My father was very fond of Ghazals and sufi music. He had a huge collection of Ghazals from different well known singers.
"Wo kagaz ki kashti wo barish ka pani" sung by Jagjit Singh was his all time favourite. I don't know where those days are gone.
We are living a mechanical life in 21st century. I don't remember when my world changed from sweet, innocent to a cruel and nasty one. One fine day I got up and looked into the mirror. The person's image is the same but peace and purity are gone. It started in my school days when a young boy troubled me for seeking my attention. I was a different girl whose world belonged to books and music. Nobody was allowed to enter in my world of imagination. But he really disturbed me and followed me everywhere.
We were living in a small city at that time where rumours spread faster than anything. His friends encouraged him and it might be the role of his hormones that provoked him to irritate me to the core.
His stupid gesture affected my soul so badly that till today I don't believe in female-male friendship.
I think it's gud to love someone but it's insanity to ruin a person's life who was hardly 10 years old. One sided crush is not good for the other person who doesn't fall in love. Some young boys always say that love can happen in any age. But I don't believe in this. Certainly age and a girl's yes really matters. Males think differently from females. Their love mostly start from physical appearances but females check your honesty, loyalty and caring nature. They generally don't like those boys who are not serious about them or those who want physical relationships only.
I was talking about my life and my heart never allowed me to say yes to that guy.
But I always remember his cheap ways and decided to pick this topic for my readers specially females who had undergone this some where in their lives. This was a stigma on my best childhood days but fortunately he could not take away my positivity. Many girls of my generation were very shy. The way I took decision and try to forget this incident is another story. There was no psychologist or personal healer at that time to heal my wounds. Time healed them automatically but these memories still haunt my mind. Many young boys crosS limits and disturb other girls for time pass only. Sometimes they seriously fall in love at wrong time and ruin their careers. It's fine to get attracted to opposite sex but it's really not good to snatch other person's peace. Throwing acid on a girl's face or murdering her on road destroys a boy's life too completely. May be today you can run from law and justice, may be your family protects you today but you can't run from Karma. No one has a right to take other person's life. Surely I am a lucky one who did not get any chance to encounter such person. But I feel sad for those girls who are not safe and become victims of criminal minded people.
I want to request young people to focus on their own lives rather than running behind a girl who may not interested in you. She might have some other dreams to fulfil. Don't ruin her life as well as yours.
Love and affection automatically happens at the right age. It's good to live life to the fullest with dreams in your eyes. After all love is a purest feeling so please take it as a blessing of life and don't let it become a horror story.
Now again I am going to remember childhood as the best part of my life. Hopefully others too have such memories to cherish.............
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