Rainwater harvesting & Plantation Go together,Take care Birds Food also

( 32382 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 22 Aug, 16 12:08


Rainwater harvesting & Plantation Go  together,Take care Birds Food also In the” Environment work shop” held in Vidhya Bhawan Teachers Training College ,Dr P.C. jain after returning from his four months stay in U.S.A. said that plantation and the Rain water harvesting installation should go together so that the underground water will be available for their survival in future otherwise most of these plants will because of lack of water.
He was giving his presentation to the teachers from various parts of the state where he emphasized the need for recharging the underground water by a simple technique which he developed in Houston ,Texas ,U.S.A. in which the Rain water can be collected by flexible pipe & when clear water comes out of it can be poured in the well. This technique is only for the wells. For Bore wells a simple sand filter should be attached before pouring the rain water into the Bore well.
In the beginning of the workshop Dr Jain recited a JAL BHAJAN which every body sung with him. Many questions were asked about the misconceptions about such kind of recharging of the bore wells.In the successful story he narrated about the well of the B.ED college of the Vidypeeth ,Dabok which one time was a DUST BIN but now after cleaning & recharging is filled up and recharging about one kilometer of the ground water also.
We must also take care of the Birds food when doing the plantation & plant such plants that they get their food round the year so such plants be planted which give their food all the year round one after another .otherwise birds & insects ,animals has to go a long way for search of their food & many may die He took the round of the Vidhya Bhawan Campus & requested Mrs Talesara to recharge the existing well in the B.ED .college which she agreed.
Dr Priyanka Rawal thanked Dr P.C.jain for enlightening the participants of the “Environment Workshop.”

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